Dans une interview accordée à TV4, le premier ministre
Suédois et ses équipes regrettent de ne pouvoir pour l’instant rouler avec le
XC90 et devoir lui préféré les concurrents étrangers « allemands » pourtant
moins bon.
La raison de ce que certain considère comme un acte antipatriotique
est très simple. Volvo n’a pas encore développé de XC90 blindé capable de répondre
aux exigences sécuritaires de la Säkerhetspolisen (Säpo), les services de sécurité
Anders Gustafsson, directeur Volvo Europe, confirme le
travail de ses équipes sur le sujet et espère bientôt pouvoir fournir les nouveaux modèles
avec le niveau de blindage élevé exigé par les services de l’état Suédois.
In an interview with TV4, the Swedish Prime Minister and his teams regret not being able to roll with the moment and the XC90 have preferred him foreign competitors "German" yet worse.
The reason for what some consider an unpatriotic act is very simple. Volvo has not yet developed XC90 shielded able to meet the security requirements of the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), the Swedish security services.
Anders Gustafsson, Director Volvo Europe, confirms the work of its teams on the subject and hopes soon to be able to provide new models with high shielding level required by the services of the Swedish state.
In an interview with TV4, the Swedish Prime Minister and his teams regret not being able to roll with the moment and the XC90 have preferred him foreign competitors "German" yet worse.
The reason for what some consider an unpatriotic act is very simple. Volvo has not yet developed XC90 shielded able to meet the security requirements of the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), the Swedish security services.
Anders Gustafsson, Director Volvo Europe, confirms the work of its teams on the subject and hopes soon to be able to provide new models with high shielding level required by the services of the Swedish state.
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