speaks. There’s a symbolic as well as practical reason for every choice of
material, every part of a structure. In other words, architecture can send a
message, and Polestar spaces are doing just that. Whether it’s a retail space,
an event stand, or the new Polestar HQ, all spaces have been designed with the
same aims. “It should be architecture which influences the way you walk, talk
and feel,” says Pär Heyden, Polestar’s Head of Brand. “It’s not an environment
in which you feel that you’re at home. It should sharpen your senses.”
It’s on the
cars that these heightened senses should be focused. In these spaces the car is
elevated, taking its rightful place as the centre of attention. Polestar cars
are developed by car obsessives with a love of details. Less is more, and
what’s left is flawless. The essence of the brand will be reflected in all
places where Polestar meets with people, from exhibition stands to retail
And like
all else Polestar, the inspiration comes from within. Pure, progressive
performance is a mantra which covers everything Polestar, not just the cars. To
ensure that this message is conveyed by everything bearing the Polestar symbol,
the initial design of the spaces was done internally. No outside influences, no
design by committee, no consultants.
“Instead of
focusing on a lot of things, we’re focused on the details: instead of adding
something more, you take away and turn your attention to what remains.”
exhibition stands
The cars
sell themselves, their technology and design are the main focus. No fluff
needed, no bells and whistles required. The exhibition stands are a shining
example of this principle in practice. From the Goodwood Festival of Speed, to
the international auto shows in Europe and China, the cars’ presence is felt.
The minimal Polestar stands were unique, oases of peace in the centre of the
bustling events. They were designed to foster a sense of curiosity, to make
people want to come in and explore the space. The design of the façade, for
example, in that their narrow openings keep everything hidden from the outside.
welcoming aspect of the space was the ever-present attention to detail, which
is even more of a necessity when dealing with minimalism. A focus on the
details and minimalism go hand in hand, claims Polestar interior architect Rong
Guan. “Instead of focusing on a lot of things, we’re focused on the details:
instead of adding something more, you take away and turn your attention to what
Speaking of
attention, there is plenty to grab the eye within Polestar event spaces,
besides the cars themselves. A colossal golden counter with staggeringly
precise edges runs the length of one wall, serving as a visual anchor once you
enter the space (and providing some much needed storage). Then, there’s the
seating. Gone are the overstuffed leather armchairs, those antiquated nap traps
for many an exhausted car show attendee. In their place stand auditorium-style
bench seats. More akin to what you would see in a senate house than a car show,
these stands are egalitarian: everyone has an unobstructed view of the car. Not
only that, it adds a soothing symmetry to the space. This was a new and
invigorating take on the traditional auto show stand, and it was true to
Polestar principles.
The retail spaces
The purity
of purpose is clear. These spaces exist to support the cars themselves, not
just the Polestar 1 but the upcoming Polestar 2 as well: they are the stars of
the show, the heavy hitters, the ones that get top billing. And to provide this
support, certain design decisions need to be made. Structures are minimalistic
and monochrome, elevating the deliberately chosen materials while promoting a
calm and thoughtful atmosphere. It’s truly bare bones: concrete floors, glass
and metal walls, and the car itself. “We really need to step away from the
traditional,” says Heyden. “It’s pointless to launch another car brand and do
what everyone else is doing.” And no-one else is creating spaces that inspire
One way in
which these spaces are (literally) awesome, and depart from more traditional
forms, are the interiors. Open, uncluttered, and modern, they more closely
resemble a museum or art gallery than a dealership showroom. And like a museum,
every item is placed with deliberation. An entire wall is given over to
display, with glassed-in car components such as brakes and drawers housing
colour and material samples. Beautifully crisp photos of dampers, rims and
other components shine like stained glass windows in a cathedral built to the
glory of automotive design. The Church of Polestar, if you will.
Which is
actually quite an apt comparison. You can feel a sense of tranquillity upon
entering a Polestar space. There are no screaming logos, no bellowing brand
slogans, and no extemporaneous lifestyle messages. Polestar spaces are
dedicated structures, temples to the worship of performance and design. The
spaces facilitate a focus on the car; where you can geek out over every aspect
of it, free from distraction.
Awesome indeed.
spaces are also much more functional than an auto showroom: concrete floors to
facilitate the movement of heavy objects, and atelier tables with rubber mats
to provide a safe place for design samples. The functionality isn’t limited to
the concrete, however. The atelier tables are also smart tables, enabling one
to experiment with different car configurations virtually. Polestar spaces also
make clever use of both augmented and virtual reality, allowing visitors to see
the smallest details present in the cars. Walk around the car with a tablet,
and components such as the brakes and the battery pop up on the screen with
their attendant facts, allowing the visitor to explore the interior of the car
without lifting more than one finger. The line between the virtual and the real
gets thinner by the day, and Polestar spaces straddle it commandingly.
The production center
”We are
building a Production Center that is a reflection of our brand.”
That covers
where the cars are displayed, where they are introduced to and appreciated by
the public. But what about where they’re actually made? In Chengdu, China sits
the Polestar production centre, designed by Norwegian architectural firm
Snøhetta. The production centre will contain one of the most efficient car
factories in the world, in addition to being the most environmentally
responsible car manufacturing plant in China.
The campus
will also include a customer experience centre featuring revolving technology
and design exhibitions, and a dedicated test track staffed with Polestar
experts. One truly unique attribute is the universally-accessible mezzanine,
providing visitors with a safe place from which to observe the entire factory.
“We are
building a Production Center that is a reflection of our brand. A facility that
is modern, progressive, technically advanced and environmentally responsible.
It will be an embodiment of Polestar”, said Thomas Ingenlath, Chief Executive
Officer of Polestar. The Polestar production centre in China will demonstrate
this mindset by offering a unique visitor experience, and the new headquarters
in Sweden will symbolize the progression and innovation which are staples of
the Polestar ethos.
Ingenlath has been heavily involved in the sketching leading up to the first
architectural proposal for Polestar’s new headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Polestar’s brand team has collaborated closely with the architects at Bornstein
Lyckefors, in order to create a building which embodies the essence of
That’s not
all. It also symbolizes the company’s position as the guiding star in the
automotive industry. The white glass façade of “The Cube” shines brightly in
the piercing Scandinavian sunlight, and the distinctive Polestar logo glows
warmly in the Nordic night. Polestar HQ is a beacon, inviting all to follow in
the relentless pursuit of electric technology performance.
spaces speak, and they have some awesome things to say.
Polestar inaugure son nouveau siège en Suède
Polestar a inauguré son nouveau siège mondial à Göteborg, en
Suède. Grâce à sa situation stratégique sur le campus de Volvo Car Group, ce
nouveau quartier général et son environnement de travail favoriseront la
collaboration transversale au sein de Polestar et renforceront la coopération
entre la branche haute performance de Volvo et sa société mère.
Le nouveau bâtiment, dominé par le « Polestar
Cube », a été conçu par le cabinet d’architectes suédois Bornstein &
Lyckefors, en étroite coopération avec Polestar.
La façade blanche lumineuse en verre du Polestar Cube, avec
ses logos Polestar rétroéclairés, symbolise aussi le rôle d’« étoile du
berger » que joue la marque Polestar comme fer de lance de Volvo Car Group
en matière de design et de technologie.
« Le design minimaliste et avant-gardiste est au cœur
de la marque Polestar, de nos voitures et des interactions avec nos clients. Ce
design est déterminant dans la manière dont nous nous sentons et dont nous
coopérons sur notre lieu de travail », affirme Thomas Ingenlath.
« Avec ce nouveau siège, nous avons voulu transformer une structure
existante pour créer un bâtiment moderne, sur le campus de Volvo Cars, appelé à
exprimer les valeurs de notre marque et à devenir un lieu attractif et propice
à l’inspiration pour notre équipe ».
L’inauguration a lieu précisément un an après la révélation
de la nouvelle marque Polestar à Shanghai, en Chine.
« Nous exposons notre design minimaliste à chaque
apparition de notre marque depuis notre lancement mondial en octobre
dernier », poursuit Thomas Ingenlath. « Dans des lieux comme le Salon
international de l’automobile de Genève, le Festival de vitesse de Goodwood et
le Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, notre présence a été marquée par une
dimension architecturale forte ».
« En Chine, une autre expression architecturale verra
bientôt le jour avec l’achèvement des travaux du centre de production Polestar
de Chengdu. Il n’aura fallu qu’un an pour établir Polestar en tant que marque
mondiale présente d’un bout à l’autre du globe », conclut Thomas
Images et informations complémentaires sur
Duncan Forrester, Relations publiques et Communication,
Matt Vella, Relations médias
Brent Ellis, Relations publiques et Communication

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